4 Simple Ways I Built Up My Self-Confidence (and You Can Too!)

4 Simple Ways I Built Up My Self-Confidence (and You Can Too!)


Woman working on her self-confidence.

Self-confidence is important. It’s one of those qualities that sustains you during the tough times and propels you further in good times. If you don’t have self-confidence or maybe you don’t have enough of it, everything can seem more daunting and scary, especially when things aren’t going your way.

Life is a bitch sometimes. People can be challenging. Your boss is disappointed in your work. Your mother just yelled at you. And your significant other is being difficult. Whoever or whatever you’re dealing with in your life, I get it. It’s not easy.

With all of these things happening, how are you feeling?

Are you struggling with self-confidence? We all do.

Do you doubt yourself? It even happens to the best of us.

What can you possibly do when it feels like nothing is going your way?

Instead of freaking out, being negative, and complaining about your lot in life, take a step back and refocus yourself on things that will help you take back your power and supercharge your self-confidence.

Ready to see the secrets of how I improved my self-confidence?


#1 – Learn Stuff

No matter how smart you are, you don’t know everything. What do you want to learn? Need to brush up on your work skills? Want to learn how to cook?

Decide on at least two things you want to learn and go for it! Pick up a book, attend a class, or join a group and feed your brain.


#2 – Move Around

Are you stuck behind a desk all day?

Make a point to get up at least once an hour, even if it’s just to stretch your muscles or take a walk to the bathroom.

Are you exhausted when you come home from work?

Instead of eating, slumping on the couch, and falling asleep in front of the boob tube, walk around the block or search “low impact exercises” on YouTube and get moving.

If exercising is not your thing, please consult your doctor before trying anything new. You don’t want to break anything!


#3 – Show Some Skin

If you’re anything like me, some of your self-confidence comes from how you look. One way to make sure you always look your best is to take care of your skin.

Wash your face once or twice per day with a gentle cleanser to get rid of all the ick that accumulated while you slept or during the day, especially if you wear makeup or sweat. If you wash your face in the shower make sure the water isn’t hot.

You also want to make sure you wear a moisturizer that contains some sort of sun block, preferably a broad-spectrum moisturizer with SPF of at least 30. In my experience, most aging comes from not taking care of your skin properly.

Once your skin is hydrated and protected, smile, and show it off!


#4 – Be Selfish

During the day you try to please your boss. In the evenings you try to please your significant other, parents, and kids, if you’ve got them. If you’re so focused on everybody else, what are you doing for yourself?

How can you continue to take care of everyone else if you’re not at your best? Here’s where I recommend being selfish. Take time to focus on yourself.

Need some suggestions?

Maybe get up earlier in the morning, gaze out the window, and enjoy the sunrise. You could also make a pit stop at the mall after work or at lunch and walk around and window-shop. Or, pick up dinner from your favorite restaurant so you don’t have to cook (unless you like to cook). Enjoy some quiet time reading a book or hop into a bubble bath.

This “Me Time” is so very important. When you allocate time to love yourself, it helps you truly relax, recharge your batteries, and much more! How will you spend your “Me Time”?


Now you know how I improved my self-confidence. You can do it too.

Trust in your abilities and in your judgment. Most important, believe in yourself.

And the next time you run into difficult people and challenging situations, it might not hit you as hard. Why? Because your self-confidence will be bulletproof.

Want more? Check out my books. Based on my experiences, they’re great sources of information when you’re in the midst of dealing with difficult people. They’ll teach you how to deal with them and how to build up your self-confidence. They’re pretty short and power-packed!

Stay strong!