3 Surprising Back-to-School Essentials You Can’t Buy in a Store

3 Surprising Back-to-School Essentials You Can’t Buy in a Store


If You Grew Up With Toxic Parents, You’re Probably Missing These Basics

You’ve picked up the new laptop, printer, three-ring binder, and anything else you think you needed in order to start a new year.  So why do you still feel bad?

Maybe it’s just butterflies or nerves.  Whatever it is, you just can’t shake it.  It’s an uncomfortable feeling.

It might be that you’re actually missing the MOST important back-to-school supplies.  Contrary to what TV tells us, these school supplies can’t be found in-stores or bought online.

These school supplies are found inside YOU.  And they might not be so easy to find if you’ve lost them.  Or even worse, if someone took them from you by calling you nasty names, putting you down, or abusing you.

What are the three back-to-school essentials you might be missing? 

#1 – Self-Esteem

To me self-esteem is the idea that I’m worth it.  I have value.  My life has meaning.

If you’re missing your self-esteem going back to school, you might not even see the point of learning because you constantly feel worthless.  Whether its how you think you look or how smart you think you are, you’re still not good enough.  You’ll never be enough.  You feel insignificant.

If you think you’re worthless, why would anyone just getting to know you think any different?  If you don’t treat yourself well, no one else will either.

#2 – Self-Confidence

Your lack of self-confidence will always sabotage you.   Low self-confidence typically comes from bad experiences.  You stumbled.  You flopped.  And that labels you as a loser.  It defines you as a failure so you don’t trust yourself enough to try again.

No one starts out great at something.  It takes practice and a lot of failure.  No one is good at everything, but I believe that everyone is good at something.  You just have to find your something, your groove.  Keep going until you find it.

#3 – Motivation

It’s the desire to do something.  It’s that hunger inside of you pushing you to do more and more until you achieve whatever you want to accomplish.

If you’re missing your self-esteem and self-confidence, I’m pretty sure your motivation will be in the toilet as well.  It makes sense though.  If you don’t believe in yourself, have nothing to aspire to, and think you’re going to fail, why even bother trying in the first place, right?

Instead of just giving up and hating yourself more, forgive yourself, accept it, and move on.  You’re human and we humans aren’t perfect.

If you’re missing these three back-to-school essentials, you’ll be so wrapped up in how useless you think you are that you might seek comfort in things that may destroy you and your future, such as sex, drugs, alcohol, and people who aren’t looking out for your best interests.

Who’s doing this to you?  Who’s making you feel worthless?

Please, please, please understand the person who puts you down, calls you names, and makes you hate yourself isn’t worth it.

They’re not worth your self-esteem.

They’re not worth your self-confidence.

They’re not worth your motivation.

They’re so not worth it.

Are you missing any of these essential back-to-school supplies?  Let me know by leaving a comment below!

If you found this article helpful and want more, grab a copy of my book, “Grounded Girl’s Guide to Dealing With Difficult People and Saving Your Sanity.”